About this site

This is where I post about ideas that I want to share. I'd like to get my family involved. If my kids want to post something I'll create sections for them as well.

Topics Covered

Really anything I care about, but mostly technology and engineering. That is where I'll probably spend most of my time. Other interests include politics and religion. I'm not afraid to stir the pot and love a lively discussion as long as it can stay civil.

Fresh content?

I'll post as often as I want to. My initiative can be fleeting at times, but I love getting my ideas out there and getting feedback.


I hope the ideas I share create sparks of interest and new ideas in your mind. The greatest praise I can get is if my ideas are worthy of sharing with others. Creating wholesome discourse between multiple interested parties is a great way to learn and grow. May my ideas and the courage it took to put them out there be a means for people to connect.

Send me your ideas!

If you want to send me a message directly feel free to email me at mauza@mauza.net